Inter-School Scrabble Championship 2020


The Inter-School Scrabble Championship 2020 is postponed. More info…

The Inter-School Scrabble Championship is the largest school-based Scrabble championship for the year. Here are the details for both the Primary and Secondary Category:

Date: 14 March 2020 (Sat)

Time: 09:00 – 17:00. Registration starts at 08:30.

Venue: School Hall, PLK WWCWD Fung Lee Pui Yiu Primary School


Introductory workshop will be provided for novice players enrolled for the championship on 22 February 2020 (Saturday). The workshop will introduce basic game rules and techniques. Please click here for more details.

Update: The introductory workshop is now cancelled and will be replaced by an online workshop video. Participating schools and students will be notified the details later.