
Upcoming Tournaments

Please find the details of the upcoming tournaments in Hong Kong by clicking the links. Events coverage may be found at

  • Upcoming Scrabble tournaments not included in the list below are not considered standard by HKSPA. Consider carefully before joining those tournaments. Fairness cannot be ensured in tournaments not following standard rules.
  • Players are expected to inform the organizer(s) in advance if they cannot attend the tournaments they enrolled. No-show in tournaments may lead to temporary suspension from enrollment.
Date Tournament Organizer Eligibility Rounds
13 Jul 2024 Inter-School Scrabble Championship 2024 (Finals) HKSPA Qualified Schools 5
28 Jul 2024 July Weekend Tournament Hong Kong Competitive Scrabble Meetup Open 7
3-4 Aug 2024 Hong Kong Scrabble Challenge 2024 HKSPA HKSPA members with 800+ ratings / Overseas players with WESPA ratings 15

Last Update: 12 Jul 2024

Background color:

  • Blue: WESPA-rated and HKSPA-rated.
  • Green: HKSPA-rated.
  • Yellow: HKSPA-recognised.
  • Pink: HKSPA-supported events.
  • White: Pending recognition or rating approval.

To know more about the association's policy in recognising Scrabble tournaments as well as details of tournaments without links above, please feel free to mail

Social Scrabble

There are also social Scrabble meetings in Hong Kong. Please visit The Hong Kong Social Scrabble Meetup Group for details of their meetings.