Updates to COVID-19 Scrabble tournament arrangements

In view of the latest situation of COVID-19, we have the following arrangements for Scrabble tournaments.

Policies on face-to-face tournaments

Hong Kong Scrabble Players Association’s latest policies on Scrabble tournaments are:

  • All players under the age of 18 are no longer required to obtain written consent from their parents to participate in any tournament, unless otherwise instructed by the organiser;
  • All players are encouraged to inform the organiser whether they have travelled to anywhere outside Hong Kong within 30 days prior to the date of the tournament. If the organiser requires a player to so inform him, the player must do so. The Tournament Director may refuse the participation of a player who has so travelled in the relevant time period or who refuses to disclose his or her travel history;
  • Players shall take precautions to prevent the spread of the virus by keeping personal hygiene at all times; and
  • Players who have symptoms of sickness should not participate in any tournaments to protect all players playing in the tournament. They should inform the organiser to withdraw from the tournament if they think they are sick.

These policies apply to all face-to-face tournaments recognised or rated by our Association.

Local Scrabble events in the upcoming few months

To encourage players to continue playing Scrabble, we plan to organise the Summer Scrabble Challenge in the upcoming summer. Details will be announced in due course.

We take public health into our consideration when considering the mode of tournament. When situation allows, we will gradually resume face-to-face tournaments.

International tournaments

Several Hong Kong players will be playing in the ASTAR Scrabble Challenge International 2021 in May 2021 online. Also, we will be sending players to play in the WESPA Youth Cup 2021 this summer. It is a fun experience to play with players from other countries or territories on the internet. We wish all players the best of luck in their play.

Several other international tournaments will take place online too. We will share more information about these tournament on our Facebook group “Hong Kong Scrabble” if we expect there will be interest from Hong Kong players.

Meanwhile, we hope everyone stays safe and healthy during these difficult times.

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