
Qualifying for Hong Kong

To select the five players representing Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Scrabble Players Association organised a Qualifier on 17 December 2016. Details of the qualifier can be found at http://hkscrabble.org/easc-2017-hk-qualifier/.

(Update 7 March 2017) Should any qualified players drop out for whatever reasons, the quota(s) will be offered to HKSPA members according to (1) the final ranking in the Qualifier on 17 December 2016 and (2) the HKSPA Rankings updated up to the “Headstart Cup” Hong Kong Inter-Secondary School Scrabble Championship 2017.

Qualifying for Japan

Two Japanese representatives are selected basing on the results of the Hiroshima Inter-university Scrabble Contest on 17 December 2016.

A qualifier wil be held to select the remaining three Japanese representatives on 12 March 2017. Enquiries can be made to Mr. Warodom Geamsakul at warodomg_jaspa@bizcenterjapan.com.

Players from other East Asian countries

Scrabble players from other East Asian countries interested in the Championship could contact Chris Lau at chris.lau@hkscrabble.org.