Tournament Report: Inter-School Scrabble Championship 2019

On 16 March 2019, HKSPA organised the Inter-School Scrabble Championship 2019 for local primary and secondary schools. Thirty schools participated in the tournament, fighting for the School Champion in the Scrabble field this year.

There are two categories – Primary Category and Secondary Category in this tournament. Schools are also divided into divisions in each category according to their rankings in the Inter-School Scrabble Championship 2018. Players playing in Division A play five games while those in Division B play four games. Australian Swiss Draw was used in the tournament except for the last round, of which King-Of-The-Hill was used.

After a day of exciting games, Lok Wah Catholic Primary School won the Champion Trophy in Division A of Primary Category, while Po Leung Kuk Hong Kong Taoist Association Yuen Yuen Primary School won the Winner Trophy in Division B of Primary Category.

Kingsly KANG was the Individual Champion in Primary Category – Division A. He is a Primary 3 student from Lok Wah Catholic Primary School, and he won all games he played throughout the day. This year’s ISSC is also his first experience in playing HKSPA-rated tournament. Adem NG was the Individual Winner in Primary Category – Division B. He is from PLK HKTA Yuen Yuen Primary School, and this is his second year playing in the Inter-School Scrabble Championship.

Teacher and players from Lok Wah Catholic Primary School

Kingsly KANG (in the middle), the Individual Champion in Primary Category - Division A

For Secondary Category, Methodist College won the Champion Trophy in Division A, and Po Leung Kuk Lo Kit Sing (1983) College won the Winner Trophy in Division B.

Brian PO was the Individual Champion in the Secondary Category – Division A. He is a Secondary 5 student from Methodist College, and he is the only player who won all the five games in his Division. He was a member of the Hong Kong Youth Scrabble Team in 2016, 2017 and 2018. His ranking in HKSPA ratings also moved up from the fourth place to the second place after the tournament. Jane HO Nga Lai from St. Rose of Lima’s College was the Individual Winner in the Secondary Category – Division B. This is her second time playing in an HKSPA-recognised tournament.

Coach and players from Methodist College

Brian Po (on the right), the Individual Champion in Secondary Category - Division A

We hope to see everyone soon in our upcoming Hong Kong National Scrabble Championship 2019 and other tournaments in the future!

Group Photo of the Tournament

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