Publication of Collins Scrabble Words 2019

HarperCollins publishers has published the Collins Scrabble® Words 2019 (CSW19) on 2 May 2019.

There are 2862 new words in CSW19 compared to CSW15, making a total of 279,496 words in the dictionary. There are 29 deletions in the CSW19 dictionary. WESPA has published the CSW19 Initiation Kit on their website, freely available for download here.

World English-Language Scrabble Players Association (WESPA) has recommended that the dictionary be used on all WESPA-rated events with effective from 1 July 2019. HKSPA, as the national association representing Hong Kong and as a member association of WESPA, has decided to follow WESPA in adopting CSW19 as the official tournament word list for tournaments rated or recognised by HKSPA starting from 1 July 2019. CSW19 will supersede the use of CSW15 dictionary. Competitions before 1 July 2019 may follow either CSW15 or CSW19 at the discretion of the organiser, subject to approval by HKSPA.

As on 16 May 2019, the first HKSPA-rated tournament to use CSW19 as the dictionary will be the CCC Mong Man Wai College 10th Inter-School Scrabble Tournament (2019) on 29 June 2019. On the same day, the last HKSPA-recognised tournament to use CSW15 as the dictionary will be held, namely the 6th Shatin Inter-School Scrabble Competition (2019).

For more details, please refer to the Q&A published by WESPA.

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