Hong Kong Scrabble players got outstanding results in the World Youth Championship of Scrabble this year. Samuel FOK Pak Hei and Raven WU Hoi Chun, both students from Wofoo Foundation Joseph Lee Primary School, won the Under 10 Players first runner-up and second-runner up respectively among 142 players from 17 countries and regions.
Ernest SO Yat Long, ex-Scrabble Team member of Methodist College, also won the Champion in the Warm-up Tournament. He has participated twice in the previous World Youth Championships of Scrabble in 2017 and 2018 as a member of Hong Kong Youth Scrabble Team. Euclid HUI Yau Tang, 4-time Hong Kong Scrabble Champion, also won the 8th Place award in the Side Tournament of WESPA Youth Cup 2023.
Samuel FOK and Raven WU said, “It’s unbelievable to win some awards in our first-ever World Youth Championship experience. We will continue to improve our Scrabble skills. Hope we can join more international tournaments in the future and try our best to win awards.”
This is Hong Kong’s sixth participation in the World Youth Championship of Scrabble, the World English-Language Scrabble Players Association Youth Cup (“WESPA Youth Cup”). The WESPA Youth Cup, formerly called “World Youth Scrabble Championship”, was held in Trang, Thailand this year from 1 to 3 December. Only under-18 players can participate in the WESPA Youth Cup. The Hong Kong Scrabble Players Association sent 24 players to the competition this year.

香港Scrabble選手在Scrabble世青賽中取得佳績,在17個參賽國家或地區的142位選手中,兩位就讀和富慈善基金李宗德小學的學生霍柏曦及胡凱竣於本年世界青年Scrabble大賽(WESPA Youth Cup)在同齡選手中脫穎而出,奪得10歲以下個人亞軍及季軍,為港爭光。
是次乃香港Scrabble代表隊第六次參加世界青年Scrabble大賽,本年的世青年賽在12月1至3日於泰國董里舉行,只有十八歲以下的Scrabble玩家才能參與。香港Scrabble總會(Hong Kong Scrabble Players Association)派出十五位中學生及九位小學生參與今屆賽事。