Updates on face-to-face Scrabble tournaments policies

In view of the latest development of the outbreak of COVID-19 in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Scrabble Players Association announces that:

  • Under-18 players are no longer required to obtain written parental consent before participating in a tournament.
  • We no longer discourage organisers to organise any face-to-face Scrabble tournaments.
  • The policy requiring players to disclose his travel history in the past 30 days to the organiser(s) will remain in act until further notice.

However, players must take precautions to prevent the spread of the virus by keeping personal hygiene at all times. Players who have symptoms of sickness should not participate in any tournaments in order to protect all players playing in the tournament. They should inform the organiser to withdraw from the tournament if they think they are sick.

Please also be noted that membership for 2020-21 is now open for application. As announced previously, members of session 2019-20 are entitled to a one-off membership fee waiver when they renew their membership. You may fill in the online membership application form to renew now:

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