HKFT Cup Invitational Cross-level Scrabble CompetitionDate: 30th January 2016 (Sat)
Time: 9:00 – 17:00
Venue: HKMA K S Lo College
Eligibility: CCC Mong Man Wai College, HKMA K S Lo College, SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School, and Methodist School
Each school is eligible to send a team of 3-6 players from Primary 1-6 or Secondary 1-3
Free entry
Format: Each school sends 3 players each round to play against another school in 3 games individually
A school win refers to a 3-0 or 2-1 victory. A draw is possible.
25 minutes per player, 5 points unsubstantiated challenge penalty, WESPA rules version 3
6 rounds, double round-robin
The final ranking of schools will be determined by (1) school wins, (2) individual wins, and (3) spread.
Dictionary: Collins Official Scrabble Words 2015 (CSW15)
School prizes: Champion, 1st Runner-up
Individual prizes: Most Valuable Player (given to the best player of each non-awarded school)
How to enter: Invited schools please visit to fill in the online application form.
HKFT Cup is kindly sponsored by Hong Kong Football Times

January Youth Scrabble Challenge
Date: 30th January 2016 (Sat)
Time: 9:00 – 17:00
Venue: HKMA K S Lo College
Eligibility: Everyone under 18 and all secondary school students
Free entry
Format: 25 minutes per player, 5 points unsubstantiated challenge penalty, WESPA rules version 3
6 rounds, Australian Swiss Draw
Dictionary: Collins Official Scrabble Words 2015 (CSW15)
Prizes: Medals for Champion, 1st Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up
How to enter: Please visit to fill in the online application form on or before 23rd January 2016.
Individual application and school application are both available, but school application is preferred.