Adoption of WESPA Rules Version 4

World English-Language Scrabble Players Association (WESPA) has recently published the WESPA Rules Version 4.

There are some additions and modifications to the existing rules (WESPA Rules Version 3) to make tournament games more fair and easier to manage. WESPA has prepared a document highlighting all the changes of the rules and is available on their website.

WESPA has announced that the new rules will come into effect on all WESPA-rated tournaments from 1 January 2020 onwards. Hong Kong Scrabble Players Association (HKSPA), as the national association representing Hong Kong and as a member association of WESPA, has decided to follow WESPA in adopting WESPA Rules Version 4 as the official tournament rules for tournaments rated or recognised by HKSPA starting from 1 January 2020. WESPA Rules Version 4 will supersede the use of its previous version (i.e. Version 3). Competitions before 1 January 2020 may follow either Version 3 or Version 4 at the discretion of the organiser, subject to approval by HKSPA.

A full version of the updated rules are now available on WESPA website:

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