Revising the "Policy of No-show in Tournaments"

Hong Kong Scrabble Players Association (HKSPA) is revising its “Policy on No-show in Tournaments“ today.

Under the new policy, players who have enrolled in a tournament but no-show in a tournament for three or more times will receive a more severe penalty than before. Besides, players who no-show in a tournament failed to give a reasonable response to the organiser’s enquiry about his / her attendance, and was unable to explain why him / her does not respond to the enquiry will also be subject to an additional penalty. Offenders will be banned from tournaments rated or recognised by HKSPA ranging from one to six months.

We are amending this policy due to a recent third no-show by a player, who failed to respond to the organiser’s enquiry at all. We strongly condemn this unacceptable behaviour. We encourage all players to withdraw from tournaments that they have enrolled as soon as possible if they found that they are unable to attend it for any reasons so that organisers can have a better arrangement on the tournament.

The new policy is now available on the “Resources“ page of our website. It applies to all tournaments rated or recognised by HKSPA with immediate effect.

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