Events and Membership updates amidst outbreak of COVID-19

Hong Kong Scrabble Players Association announces the following updates relating to HKSPA membership, Scrabble tournaments and school interest class:

Scrabble tournaments

  • The Association Cup Inter-School Scrabble Tournament, usually held in July every year, will not be held this year.
  • The decision on whether all other local tournaments will continue as usual or not rests with the organiser. The requirement for under-18 players to obtain written parental consent before participating in a tournament as well as the requirement to disclose the travel history of the past 30 days will remain in act until further notice (Details here).
  • We will pay close attention to the development of the outbreak of COVID-19 and will announce the arrangement for Hong Kong National Scrabble Championship in due course.

HKSPA membership

You may be aware that it is not possible to organise large-scale Scrabble tournaments since January 2020 due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Most of the major tournaments this year has been cancelled. Given the current situation, HKSPA will waive the membership fee of session 2020-2021 for members of session 2019-2020 as a one-off arrangement. To be eligible for waiving the membership fee, one must:

  • Have completed the HKSPA membership form and paid the relevant membership fee for session 2019-2020.
  • Complete an online membership application form for session 2020-2021 (to be available in late June).

Their membership will be renewed for one year upon receipt of their membership form. Players are encouraged to fill in the membership form before 31 August 2020 to avoid losing access to HKSPA Players Database.

Members who wish to join HKSPA membership for session 2020-2021 may also complete an online membership application form (to be available in late June). The annual membership fee for session 2020-2021 will remains unchanged (i.e. $60 for student members and $150 for general members).

Scrabble Interest Class in schools

HKSPA will maintain close contacts with schools that we are serving currently. Our Association will follow the arrangement of the schools concerned on the arrangements relating to the Scrabble Interest Class in schools.

We continue to advise all players to take precautions to prevent the spread of the virus by keeping personal hygiene at all times. Stay safe and healthy!

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