The nomination period of the Annual Election 2021 of the Hong Kong Scrabble Players Association will be opened. The Nomination Period shall start at 00:30 on 30 July 2021, GMT+8 and end at 00:30 on 8 August 2021, GMT+8. The purpose of the Annual Election 2021 is to elect the Executive Committee members (except the Student Representative) for Session 2021-2022.

Pursuant to Article 9(h) of the Constitution, after consulting the Executive Committee, the Election Commission has decided that voting shall take place online. Individual Members will receive a link to the voting platform prior to the Election Day via email. The Election Day will be on 20 August 2021. Voting will take place from 8:00, GMT+8 to 23:59, GMT+8 on the Election Day.
Please go to for the Nomination Guidelines.
Please direct all enquiries to YIP Tsz Hin, Chairperson of the Election Commission, at