Nomination period for Annual Election 2021 to be opened

The nomination period of the Annual Election 2021 of the Hong Kong Scrabble Players Association will be opened. The Nomination Period shall start at 00:30 on 30 July 2021, GMT+8 and end at 00:30 on 8 August 2021, GMT+8. The purpose of the Annual Election 2021 is to elect the Executive Committee members (except the Student Representative) for Session 2021-2022.

Pursuant to Article 9(h) of the Constitution, after consulting the Executive Committee, the Election Commission has decided that voting shall take place online. Individual Members will receive a link to the voting platform prior to the Election Day via email. The Election Day will be on 20 August 2021. Voting will take place from 8:00, GMT+8 to 23:59, GMT+8 on the Election Day.

Please go to for the Nomination Guidelines.

Please direct all enquiries to YIP Tsz Hin, Chairperson of the Election Commission, at

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