Thomson Law Long Yin finished 7th in the WESPA Youth Cup 2021

Congratulations to Thomson LAW Long Yin, a Hong Kong youth Scrabble player who finished 7th in the Final Stage of the WESPA Youth Cup ("WYC") 2021.

Thomson finished 4th in the Group Stage last weekend and entered the Final Stage this weekend. He competed with 10 top youth players this weekend. After 13 rounds of fierce competition, Thomson finished 7th in the event with six wins.

"I am very honoured and thankful to be one of the top 10 players, and I feel thankful in playing in this worldwide tournament. I have to thank HKSPA for the arrangement for our local youth players and also my coach for his training. It is fun to play with top players from different countries, and I have learnt a lot from them. Many thanks to the directors and supervisors. I am looking forward to meeting you guys in the face-to-face tournaments in the upcoming future", said Thomson in the Cup's Closing Ceremony.

Thomson is a top youth player in Hong Kong. He is ranked 5th in the HKSPA Ratings as of 22 August 2021.

Congratulations to Thomson once again! HKSPA will always support our youth players to participate in suitable international tournaments to widen their exposure and meet friends around the world.

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