Attention please! HKSPA Student Committee is recruiting!
HKSPA has organized various scales of competitions throughout all these years. Thanks to the help of our Student Committee, the competitions ran smoothly. Sadly, as the situation of the COVID-19 outbreak is volatile, the competitions are cancelled for around two years. We need your support in the coming year! Being a student committee, you will gain experience in organizing inter-school Scrabble competitions and also cooperate with a group of friends who are passionate about Scrabble. If you are passionate about Scrabble or interested in organizing the Scrabble competition, and you are a post-secondary student, we welcome you to join HKSPA Student Committee!
If you are interested, click the following link and fill in the form!
號外!HKSPA Student Committee招人啊!
我哋HKSPA以往一直都有搞大大小小唔同規模嘅比賽。多得Student Committee嘅幫忙先可以成功舉辦到。可惜由於疫情反覆,賽事停辦咗接緊兩年。未來呢一年我哋需要你嘅支持!成為Student Committee 將會得到搞校際Scrabble比賽嘅經驗,仲可以同一班熱衷於Scrabble嘅朋友仔一齊合作。如果你對Scrabble或者搞Scrabble比賽有興趣,而又係大專生,歡迎你加入我哋HKSPA Student Committee!